Wednesday, 2 December 2009


i received positive feedback about the progression of my sixpack limited edition brief.
my initial idea was to have the packaging box using the colours lylic, white and pewter foil.
i was going to have the outside in lylic and foil all the type and logos. Then have everything foiled on the inside, on a white background...

the feed back i received was that my idea for foiling was too much. the amount of foil i was going to apply to the packaging would take the overall appeal away from the box and make it look over done which would take the limited feel away and make it look a bit tacky.

the colour i choose for the box was also questioned at the crit. the feedback received suggested that the colour was not strong enough, even though i wanted a subtle feel to the packaging. the colour didn't do the product any justice as it didn't standout enough. it was suggested that i use some of the colours from the t-shirt and apply it the packaging.

i was also advised to experiment more with the composition of type which i have use for the product title and experiment with higheracy and kerning.

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