Wednesday, 11 November 2009


I have decided that the typeface which i will use for the cards is UNIVERSE STD. this is nice, simple and modern typeface which is bold and eye catching, it has very masculine features and has a wide range of weights. this typeface looks very different from one weight to the other. rather than using one weight only i have experimented with who the composition of type will look if i change he weight of each world. this helps divide the type up more on the card it also creates a more obvious hierarchy of information. the use of a colour background Rather then white also looks more masculine as the design is beginning to look more eye catching and (in your face). this will appeal to both fathers and the people buying the cards

Here i have began experimenting with different typefaces, which i can use for the cards, below are some examples of how i could use Rockwell. i have also tried combining the use of Rockwell and UNIVERSE STD. i have tried both of the typefaces in a condensed weight, however when Rockwell is use it bring a certain western (cowboy) feel to the type. this is not intended as it will make the designs too stylised.

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