Wednesday, 25 November 2009

A5 CARDS- with logos- new colour

i have designed and selected the final icons which will be on the cards.
i have also changed the colours for the COOLEST and FUNNIEST cards. i have made the colours more lighter than the original colours which i had selected. this is because the COOLEST was too dark and didn't reference the word. Also the FUNNIEST was becoming too over welming and the foiling and type was beginning to be lost in the colour,

the new colour for FUNNIEST also resembles a light hearted feel which also works with the word. the chosen colours also work better as a set, and create a variation of colours which will appeal to fathers and also make reference to the words on the cards.

it will be good to use alternate use of foiling on the cards, such as gold/silver. this will help the set to not look repetitive and it will also make the colours for the cards standout if i apply silver and gold to the appropriate cards.

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